Kosovo map

Kosovo map

Kosovo in Balkans

Kosovo in Balkans


WHY THIS BLOG ? The population of Kosovo is mainly made up people of less than 30 years (with an average age of 28 years), thus the question of youth is central. Unfortunately, Youth of Kosovo doesn't have a lot of opportunities to travel around Europe, and thus young people are quite isolated. There is a lack of information about this Youth. It is thus a question of breaking the insulation of the young people of Kosovo with Europe and vice versa. How are the young people of today located? Which place do they occupy in Kosovo and how do they project themselves? What kinds of interests they have? What kind of problems they are confronted to? Which plans for the future for the young people? Which advisabilities of partnerships in Kosovo are there?

GENERAL INFORMATION: Kosovo is a territory in becoming and in rebuilding, the phase of transition which it crosses in an after-war context, has fundamental consequences on youth. Around 70 % of the 15-24 years’ people are touched by unemployment (the general unemployment rate is 47%). But youth, thanks to its importance demographic but also to its commitment in voluntary work , represents a dynamics for Kosovo.

Service Volontaire Européen au Kosovo

«La jeunesse, c’est le facteur-clé de l’intégration européenne»

Partir à l’étranger en Service Volontaire Européen était un souhait profond depuis longtemps. Je me reconnais dans ses valeurs : démocratie, interculturalisme, développement, engagement, citoyenneté européenne. Pourquoi dans les Balkans ? Parce que c'est une région qui sort de la guerre et qui se reconstruit. Elle fait partie de l’Europe, mais on l'a connait peu. Le Kosovo est devenu pour moi une évidence majeure car c'est un territoire en devenir où il y a beaucoup à faire.[1]

Passé le long chemin pour trouver une structure d’accueil dans les Balkans (manque de visibilité du tissu associatif et d'information sur la jeunesse), le contact avec l’Agence de la Démocratie Locale du Kosovo (ADL) basée à Gjilan/Gnjilane, a été établi par le biais du Salto Youth SEE[2]. L’ADL est notamment le « point info contact » du Programme Jeunesse en Action au Kosovo. Ses actions permettent de développer la démocratie locale et la société civile en travaillant sur le terrain.
Ce projet de SVE est centré sur la jeunesse, qui n’est pas la grande priorité des leaders politiques actuellement, mais qui est pourtant une question primordiale. Le Kosovo c’est 2 millions d’habitants (majorité Albanaise, minorités Serbes, Roms, Ashkali, Égyptiens, Gorani, Turcs), où 50% de la population est au chômage, et où 60% de la population a moins de 30 ans. C'est un potentiel dynamique majeur, et les jeunes restent optimistes malgré le peu de perspectives d’avenir. Pour mieux informer l'Europe sur la jeunesse et la culture du Kosovo, je réalise des reportages écrits et photographiques sur la vie associative et culturelle locale, destinés notamment aux jeunes et aux associations européennes souhaitant développer des partenariats avec le Kosovo. Par ailleurs je participe a la mise en place d'activités culturelles francophones dans les lycées. En étant intégrée à la communauté locale, j’apprends beaucoup. L’échange entre les cultures, entre les gens, je le vis au quotidien. C'est une expérience humaine forte. Et je ressens chaque jour le sentiment d’appartenir à l’Europe, souvent bien plus qu’en France..!
A travers ce volontariat, je peux aussi m’épanouir dans mon domaine de prédilection, l’image et la culture plus généralement, puisque j'ai une licence d’audiovisuel et que je suis passionnée par la photo.
Ce SVE m'a permis de réfléchir à mon avenir : l’année prochaine je tente un Master de Politique et gestion de la culture en Europe.

Bonne lecture à tous!

Clara, 22 ans, SVE au Kosovo nov.2006/sept.2007

Pour contacter l’Agence de la Démocratie Locale du Kosovo :
Rruga Madelin Olbrijt 23
60010 Gjilan/Gnjilane
Kosovo – UNMIK
Tel/Fax: +381 (0) 280 255 39
E-mail : centre_gjilan@yahoo.fr

[1] La guerre au Kosovo a eu lieu entre fin 1998 et juin 1999; jusqu'à présent le Kosovo est administré par la MINUK (United Nations Mission in Kosovo). Les négociations sur le statut sont en cours.
[2] Salto Youth South East Europe, Resources Centre : www.salto-youth.net/see

mardi 21 août 2007

Alternative Kosovar Band!

Alternative Kosovar band! : Asgje Sikur Dielli

Musical area in Kosovo is well developed. But if in Former Yugoslavia the 70’s and 80’s were Rock music period (especially in the 80’s in Kosovo), now rap but also local and international popular singers have reach the top of hit lists of radio stations.
However there are still rock bands that young people listen! As Asgje Sikur Dielli , famous rock band in Kosovo, formed in the middle of the 90’s. Asgjë Sikur Dielli (ASD) is indeed one of the most wanted and active band on the rock music scene of Kosovo. With metaphoric lyrics and they have created an authentic music atmosphere and became a typical example of an alternative band in Kosovo.
It’s in Gjilan/Gnjilane that I’ve heard about this band. They were actually playing on gig in one bar, and at the end I came to them as they seemed to be famous and loved by the youth audience. So simple they gave me their contact and we made agreement. After that during one concert in Pristhinë/Pristina (capital city), at the Reception Room (a former hostel transformed in a bar) we had more time to discuss about their band, about the situation of music, art, and youth in Kosovo. Nice and friendly.

ASD, it’s a story about friendships and meetings of alternative people passionate by art and techniques. At the beginning Alban Nimani (singer) from Pristhinë/Pristina and Bujar Hundozi (Guitarist) from Rahovec/Orahovac first met and they decided to work together. Alban was playing in many hard rock school bands while he was studying at High School of Classical Music in Pristhinë/Pristina. Bujar was interested in alternative acoustic and electric music. In 1996, they formed Asgje Sikur Dielli with Visar Qeska (bass player).
During the 90’s, Albanian school were forbidden by Milosevic’s government. At this time, Alban has studied two years in United Kingdom Graphic Design and he is now a Graphic Teacher at the University of Pristhinë/Pristina. Visar also get an experience abroad in Sarajevo, at the Faculty of Veterinary. Before he joined Alban and Bujar, he was playing with a Death Metal band and also freelancing with some local rap bands. Then, several years after, Fatos Berisha (Drums) and Pellumb Ballata (keyboards) joined them. And as “it’s hard to live from music”, each member has a second profession: Alban, 29 is thus Graphic Designer, Visar Qeska, 40, is Veterinarian, Pëllumb Ballata, 30, is Sound Engineer, Bujar Hundozi, 29, is Mechanical Engineer and Fatos Berisha, 40, is a well-known in Kosovo Theatre-Film Director.

Two successful albums
“We recorded our first album called “1” in 1998 just before the war in Kosovo, explains me Alban. When the war began in 1998, we were forced, like many other people, to leave everything and become refugees”. After the NATO bombing ended the war in Kosovo on 1999, they came back and published their album. "1" is a mix of conventional rock and modern alternative music ambiences.
Asgjë Sikur Dielli became very famous to the young audience of Kosovo with their first hit song "Mendoja çdo gjë merr fund pa ty" (“I thought everything ends without you”), which reached the top of the hit lists of the main TV stations in Kosovo RTK and KTV , and also on the main radio stations. “It’s a lyric and classic song, successful one; it’s a remake from the 80’s song “Gjurmët” says Alban. In Kosovo, it’s quite easy for a young and new band to broadcast on radio and TV stations what they produce, and thus to be listened by the audience.

According to Bujar and Fatos, if young people listen to them, it’s because “we bring alternative rock, with electronic and mixed sounds.” They belong to what it’s called “the alternative music world of Prishtinë/Pristina.” But it’s not the only reason. “Our songs, our music are a kind of
highlight of society, kind of social and metaphoric lyrics, about politics, life, people… We talk inside about social problems. We’ve got good feeling with the youth audience

But ASD is famous in all Kosovo - they are indeed playing on various festivals, concerts and gigs around the region, and not only in Prishtinë/Pristina - but also in Albania and Macedonia (FYROM).In summer of 2005, ASD published the second album: "Ndodhemi". Thanks to their creativity, they did a kind of multimedia album video clip of the song: "Ku ka më mirë se me qenë shqiptar (kush m'ka faj që jam shqiptar)", four projections, photo gallery and lyrics. This song means “There’s nothing better than being an Albanian (who is guilty to be Albanian!)”. “It’s connecting to the history. It’s totally ironical. It means that you don’t choose where you come from. But Albanian people don’t really get the irony. They take it as a national song!
At the 2006, Videofest in Prishtinë/Pristina, ASD won "The best video post-production" prize with the video clip of this song.

The youth?
The main change, since the war according to Fatos Berisha, is that “youth is much more open minded, and much more open to the West European Culture than the old generation. But in the same time, the borders are much more closed than before. It was easier to travel before. Today it’s too hard to get visa. People can only go in Albania, Macedonia and without visa , which are so closed to Kosovo!”
And Vesra adds that “young people need to escape from the everyday life, they keep too much bad energy.” “Thus we need to open the borders, to give them a chance to travel abroad” concludes Fatos.
That’s also the wish that they make for their own carrier. They would like to play on international festivals and to get famous abroad, above Balkans region.


Clara Guillaud

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